Palestine Polytechnic University conducted a 40-hours training module in the field of Engineering skills for cross border work. The trainers got the TOT training in Ljubljana- Slovenia last May. The training was covered in a workshop fashion covering the following topics:
· Product design: this part started with an introduction and definitions of products, then the required skills were explained. Human factors and human needs were explored. The concepts of visual thinking, design thinking and innovation were introduced. This part was ended with online opportunities, examples and a case study.
· Engineering and industrial design: this part of the training covered the design process, Materialization and Industrial design. This part was ended with online opportunities, examples and a case study.
· Agile design: the engineering design approaches were introduced first, then the agile design approach was explained with examples and groups case study. Finally, online opportunities were explored.
· CAD/CAM: the concepts of CAD/CAM was the basic introduction.
o CNC machining process, CNC machines main parts, programing, G code, CNC programs were introduced with practical workshop in the CNC lab on a small educational CNC lathe and milling machines. The training showed some Online opportunities related to G code and CNC code generation.
o 3D printing including its history, types, main components of FDM 3D printers, raw material, 3D printing software’s, 3D printing process and challenges. The practical implementation was on 3D FDM printers. The training showed some 3D printing Online opportunities.
· Robotic systems: a vision on the future of robots was the beginning of the training, this includes the relation with the AI and machine learning. The trend of the robot domains and online opportunities .
o The participants trained on programing industrial robot with practice on KUKA robot using its hand set in the intelligent systems lab.
o Robot operating system was introduced including: definition, structure, levels, applications, and online opportunities. The practical training using ROS was on mobile robots at the intelligent systems lab
It is worth to mention that 31 graduates and students participated in the training from different disciplines including mechatronics, air conditioning and refrigeration , automotive, and computer engineering.